Results for 'Carmen R. Green'

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  1.  21
    Racial, ethnic, and sociodemographic disparities.Carmen R. Green - 2006 - In B. L. Gant & M. E. Schatman, Ethical Issues in Chronic Pain Management. pp. 95.
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    Carl P. E. Springer: The Gospel as Epic in Late Antiquity. The Paschale Carmen of Sedulius. (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. Texts and Studies of Early Christian Life and Language, 2.) Pp. xi + 168. Leiden, New York, Copenhagen and Cologne: Brill, 1988. fl. 72. [REVIEW]R. P. H. Green - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (1):159-159.
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    Microscopia eletrônica de varredura do processo infeccioso de Ramularia areola em folhas de algodoeiro.Carmen R. S. Curvelo, Fabrício A. Rodrigues, Paulo G. Berger & Dalilla C. Rezende - 2010 - Tropical Plant Pathology 35 (2):108-113.
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    Is Reading Instruction Evidence-Based? Analyzing Teaching Practices Using T-Patterns.Natalia Suárez, Carmen R. Sánchez, Juan E. Jiménez & M. Teresa Anguera - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A New Kind of Containment: "the War on Terror," Race, and Sexuality.Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo & Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo (eds.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    This book addresses "containment" as it relates to interlocking discourses around the "War on Terror" as a global effort and its link to race and sexuality within the United States. The project emerged from the recognition that the events of 11 September 2001, prompted new efforts at containment with both domestic and international implications. Philosophy of Peace (POP), in conjunction with Concerned Philosophers for Peace, explores socio-political and ethical perspectives on modern warfare, peacemaking, and conflict resolution, including the many forms (...)
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    Whose Turn? Chromosome Research and the Study of the Human Genome.Christopher R. Donohue & Eric D. Green - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (4):631-655.
    A common account sees the human genome sequencing project of the 1990s as a “natural outgrowth” of the deciphering of the double helical structure of DNA in the 1950s. The essay aims to complicate this neat narrative by putting the spotlight on the field of human chromosome research that flourished at the same time as molecular biology. It suggests that we need to consider both endeavors – the human cytogeneticists who collected samples and looked down the microscope and the molecular (...)
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    Transposable elements: powerful facilitators of evolution.Keith R. Oliver & Wayne K. Greene - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (7):703-714.
    Transposable elements (TEs) are powerful facilitators of genome evolution, and hence of phenotypic diversity as they can cause genetic changes of great magnitude and variety. TEs are ubiquitous and extremely ancient, and although harmful to some individuals, they can be very beneficial to lineages. TEs can build, sculpt, and reformat genomes by both active and passive means. Lineages with active TEs or with abundant homogeneous inactive populations of TEs that can act passively by causing ectopic recombination are potentially fecund, adaptable, (...)
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    The challenges of cross-cultural healthcare--diversity, ethics, and the medical encounter.Joseph R. Betancourt, Alexander R. Green & J. Emilio Carrillo - 1999 - Bioethics Forum 16 (3):27-32.
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  9. A critical examination of the evidence for unconscious (implicit) learning.David R. Shanks, R. E. A. Green & J. A. Kolodny - 1994 - In Carlo Umilta & Morris Moscovitch, Consciousness and Unconscious Information Processing: Attention and Performance 15. MIT Press.
  10. A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on Structure and Perception of Electroacoustic Sound and Music Lund, Sweden August 21-28, 1988. [REVIEW]A. Treisman, R. Russell & J. Green - 1988 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70:277-283.
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    Genethics: “Planned Parenthood”.Charles R. MacKay, Ronald M. Green, Wendy J. Fibison & Mark R. Hughes - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):100-105.
    This case is another in a series intended to highlight the new questions emerging from advances in mapping the human genome and the application of genetic findings to clinical practice. The National Human Genome Research Institute, a component of the National Institutes of Health, by law is directed to designate a portion of its annual budget to furthering understanding of the ethical, legal, and social questions emerging from research on the human genome. As part of the effort, the Institute supports (...)
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    Containing (un)American Bodies: Race, Sexuality, and Post-9/11 Constructions of Citizenship.Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo (eds.) - 2010 - Rodopi.
    ¿The authors argue that queer, black, brown, and foreign bodies, and the so-called threats they represent, such as immigration reform and same-sex marriage, have been effectively linked with terrorism. These awful conflations¿ are enduring and help to explain the contradictions of contemporary U.S. politics. We are far from a post post-9/11 world.¿ Ronald R. Sundstrom, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of San Francisco, United States ¿If you want to understand how a new biopolitics of citizenship is containing bodies (...)
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  13.  22
    Accuracy of a Decision Aid for Advance Care Planning: Simulated End-of-Life Decision Making.Benjamin H. Levi, Steven R. Heverley & Michael J. Green - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (3):223-238.
    PurposeAdvance directives have been criticized for failing to help physicians make decisions consistent with patients’ wishes. This pilot study sought to determine if an interactive, computer-based decision aid that generates an advance directive can help physicians accurately translate patients’ wishes into treatment decisions.MethodsWe recruited 19 patient-participants who had each previously created an advance directive using a computer-based decision aid, and 14 physicians who had no prior knowledge of the patient-participants. For each advance directive, three physicians were randomly assigned to review (...)
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  14.  15
    11 Elisions of Race and Stories of Progress Planet 51 and The Princess and the Frog.Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory, Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 50--181.
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    Teaching Reading: A Case Study Through Mixed Methods.Natalia Suárez, Juan E. Jiménez & Carmen R. Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Visual search in scenes involves selective and non-selective pathways.Michelle R. Greene Jeremy M. Wolfe, Melissa L.-H. Vo, Karla K. Evans - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):77.
  17. The Camaguey´s experience in postgraduate methodological preparation in Medical Education.Blanca M. Seijo Echevarría, Norma Iglesias Morell, Carmen R. Hidalgo García & Mercedes Hernández González - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    En la Universidad Médica “Carlos J. Finlay”, se realiza una intervención educativa con el objetivo de valorar la concepción y aplicación de un programa para un curso de preparación de metodólogos en correspondencia con sus funciones en condiciones de universalización de las Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, en el periodo de septiembre de 2005 a junio de 2007. Se emplean diferentes métodos investigativos: los teóricos, así como la técnica de discusión grupal, permitió diseñar el programa del curso para la preparación de (...)
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  18.  11
    Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research.John H. Flavell, Janet W. Astington, Paul L. Harris, Eleanor R. Flavell & Frances L. Green - 1995
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  19. Effective family planning programs.Rodolfo A. Bulatao, Ann Levin, Eduardo R. Bos, Cynthia Green, N. N. Sarkar, R. Bromley, K. Tones, T. Byrd, K. Enge & M. Favin - 1993 - Journal of Biosocial Science 25 (1):45-9.
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  20. Teacher-Rated Executive Functions, Gender and Relative Age: Independent and Interactive Effects on Observed Fundamental Motor Skills in Kindergarteners.Elena Escolano-Pérez, Carmen R. Sánchez-López & Maria Luisa Herrero-Nivela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Fundamental motor skills of children can be affected by different variables, such as executive functions, gender and relative age. However, the effects of these variables on FMS have been scarce studied, especially in early childhood, and show inconsistent results. To clarify these relationships, this study was carried out. Its aim was to analyze whether EF, gender and relative age influenced FMS in 43 Spanish kindergarteners. A multimethod and mixed methods approach was used. Kindergarteners’ teachers completed the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory (...)
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  21.  56
    Letters.Maxwell J. Mehlman, Susan R. Massey, Ronald M. Green & Fred Rosner - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (1):83-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LettersMaxwell J. Mehlman, Susan R. Massey, Ronald M. Green, and Fred RosnerPhysicians and the Allocation of Scarce ResourcesMadam: We read with interest Dr. Pellegrino's commentary on our article in the December 1994 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, and commend him for pointing out so well the different ways that law and ethics approach the issue of physician allocation of scarce resources.We wish to make one (...)
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  22. Brevis Summa libri Physicorum, Summula Philosophiae Naturalis et Quaestiones in libros Physicorum Aristotelis — Expositio in libros Physicorum Aristotelis. Prologus et Libri I-III Libri IV-VIII.Guillelmi de Ockham, Stephanus Brown, Vladimirus Richter, Gerhardus Leibold, R. Wood & R. Green - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (1):134-135.
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  23. Works of Thomas Hill Green, 3 volumes.Thomas Hill Green & Editor Nettleship, R. L. - 1885 - London: Longmans, Green, and Co..
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  24.  17
    Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection.Carmen F. Ionita, Deborah Talmi & Jason R. Taylor - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that while the proposed memory model by Bastin et al. can explain familiarity-based memory judgements through the interaction of a core representation system and an attribution system, recollection-based memory judgements are not based on non-mnemonic signals being attributed to memory.
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    Second Language Use Facilitates Implicit Emotion Regulation via Content Labeling.Carmen Morawetz, Yulia Oganian, Ulrike Schlickeiser, Arthur M. Jacobs & Hauke R. Heekeren - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    "Parallel Psychometric Functions from a Set of Independent Detectors": Correction to Green and Luce.David M. Green & R. Duncan Luce - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (2):172-172.
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  27. Sexual identity.R. C. Solomon, L. J. Nicholson & J. K. Greene - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Bioethics.
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    Ausonius Opera.R. P. H. Green (ed.) - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Ausonius has become a more accessible writer since the appearance of Professor Green's acclaimed commentary on him in 1991, which among other things stimulated discussion of his text and the textual tradition. This newly revised text takes advantage of recent criticism, both conservative and conjectural, and re-examines the difficulties inherent in the long held view that extant manuscripts derive independently from separate authorial editions. The opportunity has been taken to reassess earlier decisions on various problematic passages and to introduce (...)
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    Correspondence.Aldrin V. Gomes, Felix Friedberg, Allen R. Rhoads & Jeremy Green - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (11):853-855.
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    Utilización del teorema del límite central en el cálculo de la incertidumbre de medición.R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique & José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    A neural timing theory for response times and the psychophysics of intensity.R. Duncan Luce & David M. Green - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (1):14-57.
  32. Henry Sidgwick.R. L. Nettleship & T. H. Green - 1908 - Mind 17 (65):88-97.
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    (1 other version)Single Primitive Ternary Connectives for the 2‐Valued Propositional Calculus.R. A. Cuninghame-Green - 1959 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 5 (7‐13):206-207.
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    La desmaterialización Del orden familiar Y la figura Del padre en cuando éramos inmortales de Arturo Fontaine T.Carmen Gloria Godoy R. - 2009 - Alpha (Osorno) 29.
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  35. Implicit learning in a complex tracking skill.R. A. Magill & Kj Green - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):488-488.
  36.  23
    Notes and Correspondence.R. N. Green-Armytage & George Sarton - 1927 - Isis 9 (1):112-119.
  37. It's Not Science Fiction, It's a Baby: A Criticism of Existing Surrogacy Legislation (1st Draft).Allison R. Greene - 2013 - In Christian Hubert-Rodier, None. Hôtel des Bains Éditions.
  38.  13
    The dementias.John Dw Greene & John R. Hodges - 2000 - In G. Berrios & J. Hodges, Memory Disorders in Psychiatric Practice. Cambridge University Press.
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    Preferences Regarding Return of Genomic Results to Relatives of Research Participants, Including after Participant Death: Empirical Results from a Cancer Biobank.Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Gloria M. Petersen, Susan M. Wolf, Kari G. Chaffee, Marguerite E. Robinson, Deborah R. Gordon, Noralane M. Lindor & Barbara A. Koenig - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):464-475.
    Data are lacking with regard to participants' perspectives on return of genetic research results to relatives, including after the participant's death. This paper reports descriptive results from 3,630 survey respondents: 464 participants in a pancreatic cancer biobank, 1,439 family registry participants, and 1,727 healthy individuals. Our findings indicate that most participants would feel obligated to share their results with blood relatives while alive and would want results to be shared with relatives after their death.
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  40.  31
    Defining Crimes: Essays on the Special Part of the Criminal Law.R. A. Duff & Stuart Green (eds.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This collection of original essays, by some of the best known contemporary criminal law theorists, tackles a range of issues about the criminal law's 'special part' - the part of the criminal law that defines specific offences. One of its aims is to show the importance, for theory as well as for practice, of focusing on the special part as well as on the general part which usually receives much more theoretical attention. Some of the issues covered concern the proper (...)
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  41.  27
    Philosophical Foundations of Criminal Law.R. A. Duff & Stuart Green (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    25 leading contemporary theorists of criminal law tackle a range of foundational issues about the proper aims and structure of the criminal law in a liberal democracy. The challenges facing criminal law are many. There are crises of over-criminalization and over-imprisonment; penal policy has become so politicized that it is difficult to find any clear consensus on what aims the criminal law can properly serve; governments seeking to protect their citizens in the face of a range of perceived threats have (...)
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  42.  40
    Jihadi News Agency'Kavkaz Center,'Affiliated With the Designated Terrorist Organization'Caucasus Emirate,'Tweets Jihad and Martyrdom.R. Green, I. Razafimbahiny & Steven Stalinsky - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    Diseño de un procedimiento para el cálculo de incertidumbre en mediciones indirectas.R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique, José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola, B. Ramírez & Andrés Felipe - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Metodología para la estimación de la incertidumbre en mediciones directas.R. Llamosa, Luis Enrique, José del Carmén Gómez Espíndola, B. Ramírez & Andrés Felipe - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Evidence mounts for the role of gap junctions during development.Colin R. Green - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (1):7-10.
    While evidence for the role of gap functions, particularly during development, has been mounting, it has remained largely correlative, linking structure with presumed functions. With the recent advent of functional antibodies raised to the junctional protein, however, it has become possible to study the role of gap junctions more directly. There is now considerable evidence indicating that they play a vital role in tissue pattern formation and differentiation by allowing direct cell‐to‐cell transfer of developmental signals or morphogens.
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    Attention and multisensory integration of emotions in schizophrenia.Mikhail Zvyagintsev, Carmen Parisi, Natalia Chechko, Andrey R. Nikolaev & Klaus Mathiak - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Developing Theory in Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship.Daniel W. Greening, James Wall & Sara R. S. T. A. Elias - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:91-97.
    This paper was originally a discussion proposal but data has been collected since June and we would like to share some results in this proceedings article. Our goal is to link the CSR literature with the social entrepreneurship literature by studying the growth of an international organization and discuss our methodologies and findings to date.
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  48. Mirrors in Mind.Patrick R. Green - 1998 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2 (2):76-76.
  49.  26
    On the evaluation of sociological theory.Bryan S. R. Green - 1977 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 7 (1):33-50.
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    Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Death of a Discipline. New York: Columbia University Press, 2003. Pp. 136.R. Greene & E. Mechoulan - 2006 - Substance 35 (1):154-159.
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